5 Things to Look For When Viewing a Primary School

It’s that time of year again. Schools are offering open days and tours and applications are going in for next September. As someone who went through this process last year, and who will be showing a new set of parents around school this year, I know how daunting it can be. If you’re at the stage where you’re looking at new schools, I have 5 tips to support you.

1) Look at the Ofsted report.

  • I have to add a caveat to this: Look at the Ofsted report but don’t rely on it. Ofsted can give you a basic overview of the school but I have been in lots of schools graded ‘Good’ by Ofsted that I would be happy to send my little ones to, and plenty that I wouldn’t. It’s really important to see the school and speak to the staff alongside looking at the reports.

2) Look at the children.

  • As you walk around the school, if you are lucky enough to be able to view it during the course of the school day, observe the children in the setting. How are they interacting with the adults? Do they seem confident? Are they engaged with what they are doing and interacting well with each other? Are the children polite and courteous? All of these things can give you an insight into the culture of the school as a whole.

3) Think about what is right for your little one.

  • Do you already know that you will need a good, solid SEN provision? Are they quiet and would benefit from a smaller school or will they thrive with all of the opportunities a larger school will provide?

4) Look at staff turnover.

  • This can give you a really clear idea of morale in the school in general. Teachers teach because they want the best for children and where they feel that is happening, they will often stay in that school and the school will have lots of staff members that have been there for a number of years.

5) What, if any, is the wraparound care provision at the school?

  • This is vital if you are going to be working. Your little one may need to go into breakfast or an after school club. Is there a facility for this? Check that it isn’t oversubscribed as many can be. What activities do they do there?

Applying for your little one’s place in Primary School can seem so overwhelming. They seem so little and it can take you a bit of time as their grown-up to come to terms with the fact that your newborn is somehow going to School! This is often a huge transition, but remember, we’re here to support you.

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