Phonics Screening Check

Phonics Screening Check

The Phonics Screening Check is completed by children in the Summer Term of Year 1. It is designed to see how well a child can use and apply the phonics skills learned in F2 and Year 1. The check helps teachers to identify any gaps in a child’s phonic knowledge and to support them if needed.

Your little one will complete this check on a 1:1 basis with their teacher and will be presented with 40 words to read. These words are divided into 20 words with sounds they would have learned in F2 and 20 words with more complex or alternative sounds from Year 1. Your little one can take a break between each set of words if they need to.

Most of the words they will be asked to read are real words, however a few pseudo-words or ‘alien words’ are included in the check. This is to assess purely their phonics and prevent them from guessing what the word might be.

When will the Phonics Screening Check be?

For 2024, the Phonics Screening check will be completed during the week beginning Monday 10th June. It can be taken any time during the week and takes no more than around 20 minutes.

What is the Pass Mark?

The pass mark is not usually published until after all children have completed the test, however in previous years, including in 2023 it has been 32.

What Happens if My Child Does Not Pass the Phonics Screening Check?

If your little one doesn’t pass the first time, please don’t worry. The screening will help their teacher to identify any gaps in their learning. They will work on these into the following year and re-sit the check at the end of Year 2. The vast majority of children are expected to have passed the phonics screening check by the end of Year 2.

How Can I Support my Child with the Phonics Screening Check?

Many schools send home a copy of the sounds children are learning and some words to practice at home. Use these to identify any sounds your little one may be struggling with and practice reading lots of words with these sounds. Also, try getting your little one used to reading ‘pseudo’ or ‘alien’ words as they are not always introduced to these until later in Year 1.

For more advice and guidance on phonics, we have created a free phonics guide. You can get yours by clicking below.

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